info ︎






  IMAL WERKSCHAU                                                                                                                                                                        

  IMAL WERKSCHAU >2020                                                                                                                                                           


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1. Arbeitsplatz
2. BILLEY ALOWEN / 40 cm / Ton
3. LOST / 44x36 cm / Acryl, Druck mit Händen
4. LORD OF LIFE AND DEATH / 30 cm / Ton
5. LENI / 174 cm / Gips, Metallfuß
6. Fantasy / 44x36 cm / Wasserfarbe, Fineliner
7. SEALIFE / 44x36cm / Linoldruck
8. Video: Parallel Universe

This is our first artistic film we created together. While experimenting with a variety of colours in an aquarium, different phases of life were showcased. Through the different work processes we evaluated the relationship of colour and water and filtered out the best results for the final film
